Parents who enroll children at Heritage must agree that their children will be taught the doctrinal standards of the school. The following statement expresses the doctrinal standards of Heritage Christian School:
We believe in the historic Christian faith, which includes these truths among others equally precious:
- the full truthfulness, inerrancy and the authority of the Bible which is the Word of God;
- the holiness and the love of the one sovereign God-- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit;
- the true deity and sinless humanity of our Lord Jesus Christ; His virgin birth; His atoning death, "the just for the unjust;" His bodily resurrection; His glorious coming again;
- salvation by grace through faith alone;
- the oneness in Christ of those He has redeemed with His own precious blood.
We believe that the Westminster Confession of Faith, together with the Larger and Shorter Catechisms, is a satisfactory exposition of the system of doctrine taught in the Holy Scripture. (Heritage Christian School ByLaws)
The doctrinal statement does not exhaust the extent of our beliefs. For purposes of Heritage Christian School’s faith, doctrine, practice, policy, and discipline, the Session of the Tacoma Bible Presbyterian Church is the final interpretive authority on the Bible’s meaning and application.
These truths form the basis for all teaching in the school. In addition to Scripture verses, Heritage students memorize the First Catechism in grades K-3, and the Westminster Shorter Catechism in grades 4-8. By enrolling your child at Heritage, you agree to assist him/her in memorizing the assigned memory work. You further pledge to keep doctrinal controversy out of the school at all times.
Weekly chapel services include time for musical worship and hearing biblical messages. Special programs, such as the annual Christmas program, emphasize spiritual truths and involve all students. Our teachers will be teaching biblical principles as different subjects are taught and various situations arise during the day. All these things are done with the desire to instill a love for God and a love for God’s Word in our students’ hearts.