Heritage Christian Primary Academy

The primary school years are an important phase in your child’s education. Education research has clearly demonstrated the importance of building a solid foundation in order to maximize future academic success. At Heritage, primary classes (grades Pre-K through 2) are geared towards establishing three main aspects of education:

(1) Early Literacy: Heritage believes the sooner students learn to read, the better. Our students are engaged in phonics as early as Pre-K. Our kindergarten classes expect kindergarten students to be reading by the end of the school year.

(2) Foundational Numeracy: Some schools believe that rote learning of multiplication facts or addition/subtraction drills are inherently problematic. At Heritage, we believe in establishing numeracy through repetition in order to enable critical application in future years. We believe in a balance between rote learning and creative processing.

(3) Character Development: Most important to Heritage is the character development of its students. Everything we do is geared towards building Christ-like character in students. Students receive daily Bible instruction and weekly chapel messages about character virtues. Our discipline policy and homework policy are designed to inculcate obedience, respect, and diligence.


Heritage operates a Pre-Kindergarten for students ages 4 (by Sept. 1st) or above. This program is a Pre-Kindergarten and not a preschool -- that is its goal is the complete academic preparation of students so that they will be successful in Heritage's rigorous kindergarten program. Days are organized not around free play or crafts, but rather around center times that teach early phonics and counting.

Heritage's Pre-K is available in four different models: Full-day (8:25am-3:00pm) five days a week; Full-day three days a week (Mon, Wed, Fri); Half-day (8:25am-11:30am) five days a week; Half-day three days a week (Mon, Wed, Fri). Tuition for each model can be found on the Tuition & Fees page.