Heritage Christian School Extended Day Program
Heritage’s regular school hours are 8:10 am-3:00 pm for Middle School students and 8:20 am-3:00 pm for students in Pre-K through Grade 5. However, the school recognizes that working parents often work earlier or later than the regular school schedule. Other times errands or unexpected delays require students to be dropped off or picked up outside of the regular school schedule. As a service to families with students at Heritage (and only for currently-enrolled Heritage students), the school offers an Extended Day program.
Morning Extended Day opens at 7:00 am. Breakfast is not provided, so please either feed your students before they are dropped off, or drop them off with something to eat. Extended care will be provided until 8:00 am. Any student who arrives at HCS before 8:00 am will be checked into Extended Day.
Afternoon Extended Day begins at 3:15 pm. Light snacks are provided. Extended care will be provided until 6:00 pm after which parents/guardians will be contacted. All HCS students who have not been picked up by 3:15pm will be checked into Extended Day.
Fees: Unlike programs at other schools, Heritage offers a flexible Extended Care program. Parents never need to call ahead to reserve spots; all students dropped off early or picked up late are automatically placed into Extended Care. Heritage also does not charge families by the hour, but rather in 15 minutes increments as used, i.e. 1-15 minutes, 16-30 minutes, etc. The cost for 1 child is $2.25/15-minute increment ($9/hr). Families with multiple children are charged at $3.75/15-minute increment ($15/hr). Late pickups (after 6 pm) will be charged $1.00 per child, per minute.